How To Reschedule a Job Interview Effectively | With A Free Email Template!

Job Interview

Unexpected circumstances may force you to reschedule a job interview. Whether it’s a family emergency, a sudden illness, or a last-minute work conflict, there are many valid reasons to reschedule an interview. However, postponing an interview can be a stressful and intimidating process, especially if you are concerned about displaying unprofessional or jeopardizing your chances of being hired.

In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about how to reschedule a job interview effectively, including how to communicate with the interviewer, what to say (and not say), and how to avoid burning bridges in the process. We’ll also cover some common questions about rescheduling interviews, such as whether it’s unprofessional to reschedule an interview, whether you can reschedule an interview last minute, and what to do if you have yet to receive a response to your request to reschedule.


Is it unprofessional to reschedule an interview?

If done courteously and professionally, postponing an interview is not considered unprofessional. A medical emergency, a family emergency, a last-minute work engagement, or any other unforeseeable situation beyond their control are valid reasons to reschedule an interview.

However, it’s essential to be mindful of how frequently you need to reschedule interviews. Some hiring managers may view it as a red flag if it happens too often or for seemingly frivolous reasons. It’s also important to communicate your need to reschedule as early as possible and to provide a valid reason to reschedule.

Overall, it’s essential to be respectful of the interviewer’s time and willing to work with them to find a mutually convenient time for the interview. If you handle the situation professionally and respectfully, rescheduling an interview should not be considered unprofessional.


How Do I Tell an Interviewer to Reschedule an Interview?

Now that we’ve covered some general tips for professionally rescheduling an interview. Let’s look at some steps you can take to communicate your need to reschedule with the interviewer.

  •       Contact the interviewer as soon as possible: It’s essential to communicate your need to reschedule as quickly as possible. This gives the interviewer ample time to rearrange their schedule and find an alternative time that works for both of you.
  •       Use a phone or email: Depending on the interviewer’s preference, you can either call them or email them to request a rescheduling. If you call, be prepared to explain your reason for needing to reschedule and offer alternative dates right away. When you send an email, be careful to write a clear, concise subject line (e.g., “Request to Reschedule Interview”) and include your reason for needing to reschedule and alternative dates in the body of the email.
  • Apologies for the inconvenience: It’s important to apologize for any inconvenience caused by your need to reschedule. Remember, the interviewer is taking time out of their schedule to meet with you, and you don’t want to appear disrespectful or unappreciative of their time. A simple apology, such as “I’m sorry for any inconvenience this may cause,” can go a long way in showing your professionalism and appreciation for your time.
  •       Offer alternative dates: As mentioned earlier, it’s a good idea to offer a few alternative dates that would work for you when you request to reschedule. This shows that you’re willing to work with the interviewer to find a mutually convenient time.

How Do You Reschedule an Interview Without Burning Bridges?

While rescheduling an interview isn’t necessarily unprofessional, it’s crucial to handle the situation in a way that doesn’t damage your chances of getting the job or burn any bridges with the interviewer. Here are a few tips for rescheduling an interview without burning bridges:

  1. Please provide a valid reason: It’s essential to provide a good reason why you must reschedule the interview. This could be a sudden illness, a family emergency, a last-minute work conflict, or any unforeseen circumstance beyond your control.
  2. Be respectful: Above all, it’s essential to be respectful and understanding when rescheduling an interview. Remember, the interviewer is taking time out of their schedule to meet with you, and it’s important to show appreciation for their time and flexibility.
  3. Be flexible: As mentioned earlier, it’s important to be flexible and open to alternative times that may be less convenient for you. Remember, the interviewer’s schedule may be just as busy as yours, and it’s important to show that you’re willing to work with them to find a mutually convenient time.
  4. Follow up: If you have yet to hear back from the interviewer within a sufficient amount of time, send a polite email or call to investigate the standing of your request to reschedule.

Can You Reschedule an Interview Last Minute?

It’s not uncommon for unforeseen circumstances to arise that may cause you to reschedule an interview at the last minute. While it’s always best to communicate your need to reschedule as soon as possible, there may be times when you have to request a rescheduling on short notice.

If you need to reschedule an interview last minute, it’s important to handle the situation professionally and respectfully.

Is it Unprofessional to Cancel an Interview?

Occasionally you may need to cancel an interview rather than reschedule it. While canceling an interview is generally less preferable than rescheduling, there may be times when it’s necessary.

Canceling an interview is generally considered more unprofessional than rescheduling one, as it involves a complete withdrawal from the interview process rather than just a change in the scheduled time. However, as long as you handle the situation professionally and respectfully, it’s possible to cancel an interview without burning bridges.

Is Rescheduling an Interview a Red Flag?

It’s extremely crucial to be aware of this when requesting a reschedule for an interview and to avoid postponing unless necessary. While rescheduling an interview isn’t necessarily unprofessional, some hiring managers may view it as a red flag if it happens too frequently or for seemingly frivolous reasons. Here are some tactics to consider when deciding whether or not to reschedule an interview:

  1. Is there a valid reason for rescheduling? It’s important to provide a valid reason for why you need to reschedule the interview. This could be a sudden illness, a family emergency, a last-minute work conflict, or any unforeseen circumstance beyond your control. If you don’t have a valid reason to reschedule, consider canceling the interview.
  2. Can we reschedule for a later date? Rescheduling the interview for a later date is preferable rather than canceling the interview outright. This shows that you’re still interested in the job and willing to work with the interviewer to find a mutually convenient time.
  3. Have you rescheduled multiple times before? If you’ve had to reschedule multiple interviews for the same job, the hiring manager may view it as a red flag. In this case, it’s important to be upfront and honest about your reasons for needing to reschedule and to do your best to avoid rescheduling in the future.

Valid Reasons for Rescheduling Interview

As mentioned earlier, there are many valid reasons to reschedule an interview. Here are a few common examples:

  1. Sudden illness: If you or a family member becomes suddenly ill, it may be necessary to reschedule the interview.
  2. Family emergency: If you have a family emergency that requires your immediate attention, it may be necessary to reschedule the interview.
  3. Last-minute work conflict: If you have a last-minute work conflict that cannot be avoided, it may be necessary to reschedule the interview.
  4. Transportation issues: If you have transportation issues that prevent you from getting to the interview on time, it may be necessary to reschedule.
  5. Natural disaster: If a natural disaster occurs and prevents you from getting to the interview, it may be necessary to reschedule.

How to Reschedule an Interview Example

Now that we’ve covered some general tips for rescheduling an interview let’s look at a specific example of how to communicate your need to reschedule with the interviewer.

Here’s an Email Template you might send to request to reschedule an interview:

Template 1:

Subject: Request to Reschedule Interview

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I’m requesting to reschedule our interview, which is scheduled for [date] at [time].

Unfortunately, I have come down with a sudden illness and cannot make it to the interview as planned. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

I would be happy to reschedule for a later date. Can we schedule the interview for [alternative date] at [alternative time]?

Thank you for your understanding and for considering my request. I look forward to meeting with you at the rescheduled time.


[Your Name]


Template 2:

Subject: Request to Reschedule Interview

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I’m requesting to reschedule our interview, which is scheduled for [date] at [time].

Unfortunately, I have a last-minute work conflict that I cannot avoid. I apologize for any inconvenience it may cause.

I would be happy to reschedule for a later date. Can we schedule the interview for [alternative date] at [alternative time]?

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to meeting with you at the rescheduled time.


[Your Name]


Template 3:

Subject: Request to Reschedule Interview

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I’m requesting to reschedule our interview, which is scheduled for [date] at [time].

Unfortunately, I have a family emergency that requires my immediate attention. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

I would be happy to reschedule for a later date. Can we schedule the interview for [alternative date] at [alternative time]?

Thank you for your understanding and for considering my request. I look forward to meeting with you at the rescheduled time.


[Your Name]


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